Appalachian Coffee Co. - Brevard

Update: Appalachian Coffee Co. is closed

I decided to travel deep into the forest of Brevard, in hopes of finding a white squirrel to capture and keep as a pet so I could be like crazy mike that lives on the corner of 7th. Just kidding; I already have a dog and really just wanted a coffee. Plus, crazy mike has a brown pet squirrel- not a white one. 

Anyway, Appalachian Coffee. Co. is not too far from downtown Brevard and has plenty of parking- there’s no shabby street parking there! Their Sign is a little confusing and I stood there and stared for about three minutes muttering “wtf, who is Bill?” repeatedly before I decided “Whatever- either way they have coffee.” I’m still not quite sure what was going on (and who Bill is) but whatever- they had brew and pastries regardless, so I thought I’d give it a go. 

Appalachian coffee co. is right next to the college, so you can people watch and catch them saying fancy things like “books” and “soup”. 

There was a birdhouse with books in it which I found to be quite bizarre... what kind of silly asshole thinks birds read now (like, I know it’s 2018, but really?). 

The inside itself is fresh and clean, and housed neat wooden tables. 

I ordered a Blackberry scone which was yum and dusted with powdered sugar- which made me feel special. The Blackberries were definitely fresh and moist, as well as the scone itself. 

I also got a lavender vanilla latte, iced; because it was like 8000 degrees outside. It was yum as well, not too sweet and the perfect amount of lavender flavor with a hint of vanilla. 

Bonus, I went on an overcast day so my stupid albino ass was able to sit outside without straight shriveling up and dying; they have a nice little patio out back, and the tables have umbrellas (oh lala). The only thing I didn’t like is that I felt like the people sitting next to me were judging me because I kept telling my dog to “get out of the shot.” Like- it’s not my problem he thinks he’s the next Heidi Klum.

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